Buenas a tod@s,
Hoy os traigo las fotos del monolito, una figura espectacular a mi parecer, aunque con reglas bastante flojas.
Espero que os guste el pintado, esquema Necron que llego pintando últimamente.
No dudéis en comentar y agradeceros vuestras visitas. Un saludo.
Good to all,
Today I bring you the photos of the monolith, a spectacular figure in my opinion, although with quite loose rules.
I hope you like painting, a Necron scheme that I have been painting lately.
Do not hesitate to comment and thank you for your visits. Greetings.
Hoy os traigo las fotos del monolito, una figura espectacular a mi parecer, aunque con reglas bastante flojas.
Espero que os guste el pintado, esquema Necron que llego pintando últimamente.
No dudéis en comentar y agradeceros vuestras visitas. Un saludo.
Good to all,
Today I bring you the photos of the monolith, a spectacular figure in my opinion, although with quite loose rules.
I hope you like painting, a Necron scheme that I have been painting lately.
Do not hesitate to comment and thank you for your visits. Greetings.